Sunday 29 January 2012

girls weekend

I had a wonderful weekend with my Gracie girl this weekend. My little Finn was having a sleepover on his very own at his nannies and Grant had cricket so it was just the girls. Gracie got to choose whatever she wanted to do so this is what we did.
She first had a party to go to, then we hit the movies to see the chipmunks which I was dreading sitting through two hours of high pitched squirrels but I actually liked it! We then had pancakes for dinner then home to snuggle on the couch. Today we woke early then she jumped on the bike and we headed down the street for coffee and magazines. It turned out to be very hot very early so next on the list was surfing (still boogyboarding) at the beach then home for barbies.
It was so nice to have one on one time, just the two of us and especially nice as on Friday she will be off to school! I don't think I am ready to talk about that yet!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Weekend in review

This weekend we really didn't venture very far past our front gates except to buy plants and food. We spent alot of time catching up on jobs around the house and playing in the garden.
As I have mentioned we are renovating our very 'brown' 70's house. We still have our 'brown' kitchen but I won't let my husband touch it until he builds me my new one (I can't bear the thought of a makeshift one and having a builder as a husband who knows how long it would last) so i decided to try and brighten it up a bit (or alot) and painted our 'brown' kitchen table we have to use at the moment.

  I also purchased myself a docking station with some money for xmas. We downloaded lots of music (very easy to get carried away) and had ourselves an afternoon disco.

Sunday afternnon the kids were begging to bake gingerbread men. Forgot to take aftershot but they weren't great, but the kids didn't seem to mind what they looked liked and I was left to clean up a HUGE mess!

Off to pack the kids bags for two days at their grandparents. YAY!                                                                                                                                                                      

Saturday 7 January 2012

I am an addict


My name is Danni and I am a home magazine addict! I don't when it started but it is gradually getting worse. I have cupboards, boxes and shelves full.
 I remember in my early teens being obsessed by going to open inspections and display homes on weekends with my dad, it was seriously the highlight of my weekend. I am now studying interior design which seems to be taking me a very long time with two little ones but I am determined to finish and I am hoping it will help me work out what syle I do and don't like and how I will design our home. We have started renovating but I get soooo confused because there are so many styles I like that I want them all!
For the moment I will keep buying my magazines and tearing out the pages I like and hopefully it will all come together.

I can quit sugar but don't ask me to quit magazines!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

summer days

The visitors have gone and it is now just the four of us again. It now feels like the summer holidays can begin. No more Christmas, rushing, cooking for people, cleaning or racing around to catch up with people before the year ended. We feel like we can breath again and relax in the little seaside town that is ours.
The next month I plan to spend my days with my two gorgeous children and and husband and make the most of where we live by swimimg at the beach, sandcastles at the river and fishing in the boat.
Gracie will be starting school in a month and it feels like it is all happening so fast and that before I know it she will be gone 5 days of the week so we are going to make the most of every moment!

PS. Day one no sugar passes my lips!

Monday 2 January 2012

a healthy start

Well tomorrow is the day! The day I start to eat well ,exercise daily and live a happy healthier life. Well thats the plan anyway, and if I can announce it and be accountable for my actions then I know it will happen.

My track record for exercising is not too bad. I go to gym classes (boxing and circut) and i can do little runs (just did a 5km fun run) its the food and drink that gets me nowhere. So tomorrow sugar is gone, weeknight wines (oh how i will miss you) and alot of the carbs.

I have downloaded Sarh Wilson's "I quit sugar" ebook and it does make a lot of sense so this is where I will begin.

Wish me luck.

Sunday 1 January 2012

a new year

my new years resolutions

start a blog!

Today is the day I said to myself I would start this blog. I have been wanting to for so long now. Why, I don't really know! I follow so many of them and enjoy reading about other people day to day lives, look at photos of beautiful homes and families and even how we all strive to be fitter and healthier and more organised. These are the things that also consume my life so I am going to document them too if only for myself to look back on and who knows if anyone will be interested on the way!

Today we still have visitors for the fourth day in a row which is nice but exhausting so after a new years eve bbq last night (my little babies didn't get to be until 11pm) we were all tired and grumpy. Husband took everyone to the beach for a couple of hours while Three year old and I hung at home and cleaned up a bit.

Everyone (but me) had a couple of hours kip on the couch so we were all in fine form the the local carnival and ice cream (have photos of all of this but can't download).

So kids in bed, visitors watching a movie and husband watering garden I have officially started a blog! Lets see if  I can keep it up, this could be fun!

Exhausted child